Kings: Radical Confrontations

The books of Kings are filled with many who did not back down, they stood their ground amidst radical confrontations. It is the equivalent of the New Testament book of Acts and speaks of the glory of God then and now. When I read the books of Kings, I cannot help but be genuinely inspired by all that was said and done. I must continually put my trust in the God who sent ravens to feed (1 Kings 17:4) and lepers to lead (2 Kings 7:9-11).  Who but God could accomplish such feats? Sometimes God will lead you to places Read More

History Has Its Eyes on You and So Does God.

 History is about what happens in the NOW which later becomes the past. There is a song in the Hamilton Musical which really sums up history. It’s called History Has Its Eyes On You.  Even when we think the things which we do each day are not important, history is watching and recording. The words we speak are often recorded and repeated throughout history, so be careful what you say. Our actions can cause others to be blessed or cursed, so watch what you do. Yes, history definitely has its eyes on you, but so does our loving God. I was reminded of this today in church Read More