Your Past: It’s Under the Blood

Your past is exactly that, your past. As we say in Pentecostal circles, “It’s Under the Blood”. There are times when we think about our past and we wish we could erase some of the bad and add some good things. There are times when we want to hide who we were and pretend that we were born as someone else.  When the enemy approaches you with tales from your past (even if it was just 5 minutes ago), you can say to him, I don’t know BLOODwhat you are talking about. Tell him, it’s under the blood. It’s not what the enemy sees that’s important; it’s what God sees, and He sees the blood. (Hebrews 9:12).

We are truly blessed. We can leave the rewriting of history to other people. We don’t need to erase or whitewash anything. As far as God is concerned, it never happened. Of course, we have to do our part and repent. The Word says, “ If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just [true to His own nature and promises], and will forgive our sins and cleanse us continually from all unrighteousness [our wrongdoing, everything not in conformity with His will and purpose]” (1 John 1:9).

God is faithful to do exactly what He promised. Consider the story of King David. He had committed adultery with Bathsheba and then killed her husband Uriah (2 Samuel). His story was one of a man found guilty of a crime; however, that was not the end of his story. In Psalm 51, we see David’s plea to God for restoration and forgiveness, and God rewrote his story. Again, in Acts 8 and Acts 9, Paul’s story was rewritten. He was a murderer who was converted and became a follower of Christ. Who can forget the story of Moses in Exodus, who became the deliverer and Joseph in Genesis, who went from the pit to the palace?

God is always (and I repeat ALWAYS) rewriting the stories of His people. So do not despair; put your trust in God and watch how He rewrites your story for the better. We all have stories we would like to forget; some more horrific than others. But God!! He is the restorer of the broken-hearted; healer of our worst hurts; deliverer of those who are in bondage; and He alone holds the keys to our prisons. He will restore all that the enemy has stolen. Trust Him. It’s Under the Blood.

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